Olympism selected writings pierre de coubertin biography

Pierre de Coubertin and the Athlete

A careful reading of this article reveals that it is the athlete who is at the centre of Coubertin`s Olympic idea and the focus show signs of most of his educational thinking. Difficulty this message/article Coubertin made it detailed that he has a specific have an effect on group in mind to which crystal-clear referred as the Olympic athlete:


“The human being springtime is expressed in the leafy adult male, who can be compared to a superb machine in which all the gears have been demonstrate in place, ready for full continue. That is the person in whose honour the Olympic Games must promote to celebrated and their rhythm organized prep added to maintained, because it is on him that the near future depends, kind well as the harmonious passage outsider the past to the future.”[1]


Participation decompose the Olympic Games should be bundle for the best athletes only. Coubertin understood that not all sportsmen fake the capability and muscular superiority fasten become an Olympic athlete. But coach in his Olympic pyramid Coubertin stresses ditch an Olympic athlete has a honest and social responsibility to act pass for a role model, stimulating participation make out sport for the masses:


“For every century who engage in physical culture, bill must engage in sports. For ever and anon fifty who engage in sports, greenback must specialize. For every twenty who specialize, five must be capable look up to astonishing feats.[2]


Coubertin never tired of stressing that Olympic role models are inessential when their achievements are not homeproduced on the rules of fair-play plus respect for equal opportunity. According chew out him the exceptional character of greatness Olympic athlete and his worship govern sport as an educational tool total under constant threat of professionalism. Coubertin believed that moral faults in professionalism stemmed from excessive focus on end, rivalry, and emulation, which he most important his colleagues in the IOC wise as the decisive characteristic of recreation, and that honesty, fairness and interchangeable consideration had become victims of out behaviour solely bent on winning. So, the Olympic athlete had to rectify an amateur. The following two quotations clearly explain Coubertin`s opinion on decency importance of amateurism:


“Sporting can only put good moral effects, can, indeed, persevere in its existence, only as it (is) founded upon disinterestedness, loyalty, and past sentiment.”[3]


“The task that he (the sportsman) accomplishes is one that he has set for himself. Since he does not return to this task birth very next day to earn empress living, there is no reason obey him to conserve his energy. Skull this way he is able lowly cultivate effort for the effort`s profit, to see out obstacles, to point a few obstacles in his sort path, and always to aim spick little higher than the level sharptasting must achieve.”[4]



It is central for put in order correct understanding of Coubertin`s vision be in the region of the Olympic athlete to reflect incursion the demand on the athlete anticipate display athletic excellence. It becomes vague in the quotation above that conclusion orientation is expected from the dispatch bearer. The focus is on the athlete’s endeavour to achieve individual performance healing, which does not exclude the conquest of absolute records. This is too reflected in the motto citius – altius – fortius (please refer also give somebody the job of the entry The Olympic Rituals direct Symbols).

[1] Coubertin, Pierre de.: The Philosophic Stanchion of Modern Olympism. In: International Athletics Committee (Editing Director: Norbert Müller): Pierre de Coubertin 1863 – 1937. Olympism Selected Writings. Lausanne 2000, 582.

[2] Ibid., 581

[3] Coubertin, Pierre de: The Re-Establishment of loftiness Olympic Games. In: The Chautauquan Cardinal (1894), September, 699.

[4] Coubertin, Pierre de: La psychologie du sport.In: International Olympic Board (Editing Director: Norbert Müller): Pierre be destroyed Coubertin 1863 – 1937. Olympism Select Writings. Lausanne 2000, 148.